Group Counseling

What Do We Aim for in Our Playgroups?

In our playgroups, we aim to:

  • Develop gross motor, fine motor, language and social development areas with sensory games prepared according to the age group
  • Increasing children's body awareness
  • Enabling the parent to monitor their child's sensory and emotional needs
  • Responding to the emotional needs that the parent sees in the child
  • Improving the child's ability to regulate emotions by strengthening the relationship between parent and child
  • The joy shared in the group contributes to the child's feeling of security in social relationships
  • The child develops a healthy sense of self
  • To convey the individual differences of the child to the families through psychoeducation in the parent interviews that we will conduct by considering the individual differences of each child

Child Group Work

0-2 Age Period (Baby)

  • With attachment-based playtime, we help babies establish a loving and trusting relationship with their parents, which is the most important need of their developmental period.
  • With sensory playtime, we support babies' fine motor, gross motor and language development, while observing their sensory needs.
  • We monitor the developmental processes of babies with developmental tests whose validity and reliability have been scientifically proven, and organize feedback sessions for parents.
  • Our playgroups are grouped as 1-8 months, 8-12 months, 12-18 months and 18-24 months in accordance with this developmental period.

2- 6 Age Period (Child)

  • In playgroups with and without parents, we strengthen children's communication skills and ensure their safe separation from their parents with attachment games determined according to the needs of the age group.
  • To support children's gross motor, fine motor and language development, we offer game content suitable for their developmental periods.
  • We offer free play environments to develop children's social skills. In this way, we support them to gain skills such as cooperation, sharing and playing together.
  • We develop children's imagination with emotion and drama-based play content and strengthen their self-confidence by supporting them to express their feelings and needs within the group.
  • Our playgroups are grouped as 2-3 years old, 4-5 years old and 6 years old in accordance with this developmental period.

Youth Group Work

We conduct group counseling with School Group (7-12 years) and Adolescence Group (12-18 years) children differently from other groups of children in other developmental periods. We organize weekly group sessions with group studies based on scientific data. We plan group sessions for at least 4 weeks and 90 minutes per week.

Young Group Workspaces

  • Fear and Anxiety
  • Assertiveness Skills
  • Exam Anxiety
  • Peer Bullying
  • Sexual Development and Body Awareness
  • Emotion Regulation
  • Ability to Say No

Adult Group Work

We work with adults using art therapy, psychodrama and group counseling techniques. While conducting our work, we aim to achieve the following in the participants.

  • Develop effective communication skills
  • To be able to find problem and conflict solving methods with their own internal resources
  • Develop positive self-perception and self-esteem
  • In-group solidarity through the realization of learning from others
  • Maintain a sense of safety and comfort in society
  • Sharing the feeling of loneliness felt by gathering around similar feelings

Adult Group Workspaces

  • Art Therapy Groups
  • Experience Groups Conducted with Psychodrama Techniques
  • Parent Support Groups
  • Education and Interaction Groups

What Do We Aim for in Our Single Participation Workshops?

In our single-participant workshops we aim to:

  • To carry out a multidisciplinary study in child development with single-participation workshops to be carried out with expert educators in the field
  • Thus combining different perspectives and providing a more comprehensive understanding of the child's developmental process.
  • To support children's developmental areas such as social, language, fine motor, gross motor
  • Benefit from the healing power of arts and sports
  • Observing and developing areas where children feel good

Single Participation Workshops

  • Child yoga
  • English
  • Creative drama
  • Music and rhythm
  • Art workshops