Ezgisu Ünal

Clinical Psychologist

Ezgisu Ünal

Ezgisu Ünal was born in 2002. She completed her primary, secondary and high school education in Antalya. In 2024, she completed her undergraduate education at Üsküdar University, Department of Psychology. During her undergraduate life, she worked as a volunteer intern in hospitals and institutions. She continues her Master's program in Clinical Psychology at Üsküdar University to get her expertise. She completed the CBT training given by Prof. Dr. Ebru Şalcıoğlu. While continuing her education, she started working with children and adolescents. She completed the “Experiential Play Therapy” training given by Nilüfer Devecigil in the field of children and is undergoing individual supervision process. Currently, she continues to work with children and adolescents at Bahar Psychological Counseling and Training Center with Experiential Play Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy schools.


Experiential Play Therapy (Nilüfer Devecigil)
Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training (Ebru Şalcıoğlu)
Self-Differentiation Practitioner Training (Dilay Suloglu)
35 basic techniques used in psychotherapy (Itır Tarı Cömert)

Tests Applied

Porteus Labyrinths Test, Catell 2A Intelligence Test, Catell 3A Intelligence Test, Good Enough-Harris Draw a Human Test, Koppitz Draw a Human Test, Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory (AGTE), Peabody Picture-Word Test, Gessel Developmental Figures Test, Metropolitan School Readiness Test, Frostig Developmental Visual Perception Test, Benton Visual Memory Test, D2 Attention Test, Frankfurter Attention Test, Burdon Attention Test, Word Interview Test, School Readiness Test, Kent Egy Intelligence Test, Bender-Gestalt Visual Motor Perception Test